Mike Laine

Mike is a designer and developer by trade who has a passion for gaming and the social connection they provide. Of course his favourite console is the GameCube but he got his career in gaming started with a GameBoy Color complete with Space Invaders, Super Mario World, and Pokemon Red. Ever since that Christmas he's been hooked on all things Nintendo all though he does have quite the love hate relationship with them. Mike has worked in the world of journalism and has many friends and family in the radio and TV business so has been exposed to the world of podcasting for many years now. His goal is to remind people that the GameCube existed, that you played it at a McDonald's at some point, and you probably even enjoyed it.

He and Neil have collectively played around 2000 hours of 007: Nightfire.

In between recording podcasts he creates websites and brands for companies in the entertainment, health care, and non-profit sectors while attempting to find another hour in the day to fit in all his other hobbies. He is a proud Canadian, born and raised in Toronto with love for sports, music and cubed purple game systems.

Neil Gilbert

Neil is a digital marketing and social media specialist with an interest in watching the gaming industry evolve from its conception, to the present day, enjoying a few of those games himself along the way. An eclectic interest in any platform that has a diverse catalogue of games, the GameCube is at the top of his list of consoles with timeless classics, and a rich history of ups and downs. Starting off his gaming passion in the mid-90s with the SNES, N64 and Gameboy Color, absorbing himself in the world of Pokemon, Mario and 007, it is hard to remember a time before video games and nearly impossible to imagine a reality without them. People also write his name as Niel, Neal, Kneel or any variation of that no matter how many times he uses it in his email signature.

Neil spent the majority of his college years listening to video game podcasts, gaming on the train, and taking in as much of the industry as possible. With the goal of becoming an expert in 2000s nostalgia, and a professional podcaster with Mike, what better place to begin than the keystone of the decade’s gaming consoles, the Nintendo GameCube. When the microphone is off, he is exploring his home city of Toronto for new hobbies and mastering old ones in the pursuit of getting the most out of life, while spreading a little knowledge and a joke here and there with listeners around the globe.